An educational game changer!

Welcome to School of ESPORTS.

Catch the credits...

Course Overviewā€¦

Video and mobile gaming is the fastest growing creative industry worldwide offering well paid and professional roles for keen and talented individuals. Our introductory course to Esports explores the world of gaming and highlights the hidden educational skills often not recognised whilst getting lost in an interactive world.

This is an exciting opportunity to learn key skills and knowledge that can prepare you for a career Esports qualification ā€“ a course that has been developed nationally in response to the huge skills shortages in this fast-developing industry.

Meet The Team

Why School of Esports?

A new and exciting course designed by a Computing & Media specialist teachers, with over 25 years of experience teaching gaming mad teens. Our founders recognised a need to teach the hidden educational benefits to gamers like you!

Our experts at School of Esports have carefully designed a course that is suitable for gamers at all levels between the ages of 11-17yrs. Whether you want to be the next big gaming influencer, have a flare for design and development or just want to learn more about how you can use these key skills developed elsewhere academically ā€“ this course is the ideal starting point to boost your gaming potential.

Key skills developed during our course:

Education is not all books, tests, and school. Children as young as 9 are putting key life skills into practice while gaming. Numeracy, literacy, navigation, how to strategize, supporting peers and organisational skills.
The only thing is… they do not realise it and need guidance to channel these skills to reach their full potential.

The Education behind our STEM led course ā€“what will I learn?

Game Play






Healthy Game
Play Skills


Well - Being

Self-Management Skills

The important bit ā€“ learnā€¦

Improve your employability skills
Enhance your ability to be reflective
What it takes to be a healthy game player
Gain valuable team working and communication skills
Develop planning, organisation and problem solving skills
Learn strategy techniques and feedback skills to enhance your game play
Understand the huge amount of potential careers within the Esports industry

How will I be assessed?

Each student receives access to their own individual and impressive E-booklet where progress is automatically saved – No hard to master checkpoints and can be easily accessed by yourself, parent, and tutor.

What can I do next?

The bit the parents need to know!

We are excited to announce that we are now a fully accredited Trail Blazing Centre with the Leadership Skills Foundation in conjunction with the British Esports Foundation.

Delivering 21st century skills

So, what is the qualification?

Young people dedicated to esports are already developing skills they will use in the future. They are experienced in building digital communities and solving complex problems, often under pressure.
With Esports Leadership, we have the unique opportunity to support learners to build on these abilities and develop essential leadership skills, and to celebrate those efforts with recognised qualifications.
Working together over a period of 12 months, the Leadership Skills Foundation and the British Esports Federation have developed the Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications geared towards developing essential and transferable skills in young people.
For students whose passions go beyond the traditional curriculum subjects, the Esports Leadership Programme offers a way to develop essential leadership skills in a subject they are really excited about. The qualifications will offer them the opportunity to develop skills that are in high demand from employers, enhance their learning and support future aspirations.

The skills you will learn from this course will enable you to:

Creativity for life

There are five key areas where Arts Award has been found to have a positive impact on young people, as shown through the results of our three-year impact study* led by London South Bank University.

Life skills

Of the many positive impacts that Arts Award can have on young people, a key area is the development of skills transferable to the world of work, such as confidence, leadership and organisational skills.


Arts Award is a highly respected and universal qualification, based on sound approaches to teaching and learning.

Arts choices

Arts Award influences young peopleā€™s choice of subjects and supports successful applications for further study.

Entrepreneurial skills

Completing an Arts Award encourages independent learning, creativity and communication skills; all vital for a career as a freelancer or arts entrepreneur, or for careers beyond the arts.

Creativity for life

Arts Award develops young people from all backgrounds as creative artists and arts leaders, nurturing their understanding of routes to education and employment in the creative and cultural sector.
The skills you will learn from this course will enable you to:
Pursue a career in Esports gaming, programming, and development.


Esports (or electronic sports) is a term used to describe competitive video gaming.
Itā€™s different from standard video gaming in that esports is competitive (human-vs-human) and usually has an engaging spectator element to it, like traditional sports.
Esports tournaments usually consist of amateur or professional gamers competing against one another for a cash prize.
Think of esports as competitive video gaming where skill and professionalism are celebrated.The pro gamers who play at this level know the games inside out, much like a professional footballer or athlete would in their respective fields.

There are many different games played competitively, with the likes of League of Legends, Dota 2 (multiplayer online battle arena games) and Counter-Strike and Fortnite (shooters) among the most popular. Rules and strategies can differ greatly depending on the game in question. To give you an example of the different team sizes, League of Legends is 5v5, first-person shooter Overwatch is 6v6 and Rocket League (arena football with rocket- powered cars) is 4v4.

Some games are played on consoles like Xbox One or PS4, while others are played using PCs. Matches can take place online over the internet, or at a physical event via a LAN (Local Area Network) connection. Matches can be viewed by spectators in person at a venue (usually for the grand finals) or over the internet via streaming platforms such as Twitch, which broadcast the games live online.

Players will usually play for a set team/organisation, which, like traditional sports, will have their own fans and followers. For example in the UK some of our most well-known esports teams include Fnatic, Excel Esports and London Spitfire.

To give you a sense of the scale of esports, some of the biggest tournaments offer millions of pounds in prizes (like the Dota 2 International and Fortnite World Cup which have some $30m up for grabs), and are watched by millions of fans. These are the exception, however. Other tournaments may have a $1m prize pool or less; amateur tournaments can often have prizes and viewers in the low thousands or hundreds, rather than millions.

Esports engages a wide demographic of young people and is intrinsically a fun, team-building activity that promotes leadership, character development, communication and social skills.
Esports has more than 400m viewers across the world, and in the UK itā€™s the second most popular sporting activity for boys and girls to watch on screen – behind only football.

It can improve confidence, strategic thinking, problem solving abilities, reading comprehension and phonics skills and can help with the development of digital and cyber skills.

Skills can be transferred across into physical sports and schoolwork, and esports offers a multitude of career pathways.
It can also boost behaviour, concentration and attendance levels in schools.
Last but not least, when played in moderation, video games and esports can be good for mental health – theyā€™re fun to play and can be a stress-reliever.

Esports has created many new jobs around the world – and the number is continuing to grow.

For example, in 2019 the number of esports jobs in the UK posted on jobs board website Hitmarker has risen by 163% year-on-year.
When some people think of esports, they think of pro gamers – the players that compete at the top level, earning thousands, or even millions of pounds. However, esports offers so much more than this.
Like traditional sports, there are commentators, event managers, journalists, content creators, photographers, coaches, sales and marketing executives and many others.

Having an interest or skills in esports can also pave the way to other careers. For example, the wider video game industry is expected to grow to some Ā£180 billion by the end of 2022, with the global games audience estimated at between 2.2 and 2.6 billion people. This offers many more career options, like games development, publishing, streaming and more.

Lessons are delivered online via our dedicated learning management system. Lessons are typically for 1 hour per week and are delivered by fun, friendly expert tutors who are all passionate about what they teach.

Education is not all about books, tests, and school. Children as young as 10 are putting key life skills into practice while gaming. Numeracy, literacy, navigation, how to strategize, supporting peers enhancing their organisational skills.
The only thing isā€¦ they do not realise it and need guidance to channel these skills to reach their full potential.

Please see the ā€˜what will I learn?ā€™ section of our website for more details.

Ideally either a PlayStation, Xbox or gaming pc as well as a windows or Mac laptop or pc with a good internet connection to be able to access the course.
Our class sizes are no more than 10 students to one tutor.
There are no formal written exams. Your child will keep an e-portfolio to showcase their work with the full support of their tutor.
Our online platform is a totally safe and secure environment for your child to work within and all of our tutors have an enhanced DBS check.
Each game has its own age rating. Pan European Game Information (PEGI) is the single video games age rating system that is in force across Europe. Any games that are used within any School of Esports sessions will be age appropriate.
No- This is a fully accredited course that lasts for 36weeks and we ask for your commitment in order that the qualifications are gained. We ask for termly payments, however in the unlikely event that your child does not wish to continue, you are free to cancel before your next termly payment is due.
Yes, all payments are managed by the class4kids booking system. All online payments are processed securely by our payment provider Stripe. Stripe is a world-recognised online payment system; it’s a highly secure and trusted financial platform.
For students whose passions go beyond the traditional curriculum subjects, the Esports Leadership Programme offers a way to develop essential leadership skills in a subject they are really excited about. The qualifications will offer them the opportunity to develop skills that are in high demand from employers, enhance their learning and support future aspirations. They will receive a Level 1/2 Leadership Skills in Esports qualification.

Like real-world sports, esports is very inclusive regardless of age, background or gender. Unlike real-world sports, itā€™s also excellent at engaging individuals who donā€™t have physical or social confidence.

A recent study by Digital Schoolhouse and Staffordshire University found that:

  • Esports creates positive behavioural changes in young players that will translate into behaviour modification in other aspects of their lives
  • Communication and team-working were most likely benefits, followed by building community and friendships
  • Participating in esports influenced players career choices. 90% said it had increased their interest in a career in the video games industry
  • Over 80% of young people said that the competition had increased their interest in participating in other team sports

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